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The $1,275 Ice Cream Cone, and Other Guardianship Abuses

An attorney in New York State was appointed to be the guardian of a woman who could not handle her own affairs. One day, the attorney and one of his employees visited the woman at her nursing home, took her out for a walk, and bought her an ice cream cone. The attorney then sent the woman's estate his bill for the visit: $1,275.

This is just one of the abuses uncovered in an investigation of court-appointed guardians and other judicial appointees known as 'fiduciaries' in New York State. According to two reports released by New York's chief judge, Judith S. Kaye, the state's system designed to safeguard the financial affairs of incapacitated people is riddled with problems that have drained the estates of the vulnerable and enriched politically connected lawyers and others.

Fiduciaries are people'”usually private attorneys'”whom courts appoint to assist them in a variety of ways. One of the main roles of a fiduciary is to handle the affairs of an incapacitated person, such as an elderly nursing home resident. Fiduciaries generally receive their fees from the assets of the individual the fiduciary has been assigned to represent. Under New York court rules, fiduciaries may not be related to the judge and may not take more than one appointment each year that is likely to bring them $5,000 in fees or more.

However, investigators found that these rules are widely ignored and that in some cases guardians are charging up to $400 an hour for mundane tasks. One guardian received more than $65,000 in compensation by billing his usual hourly rate as an attorney for tasks that included visiting an eyeglass store, attending a holiday party, inventorying the ward's wardrobe and sewing and ironing labels on the ward's clothing. In another case, the guardian repeatedly spent more than four hours traveling to a distant bank to deposit his ward's $50 monthly Social Security check, charging $300 for each trip.

The investigation found that many of the recipients of multiple and lucrative fiduciary appointments had connections to judges, political parties or court system personnel, raising concerns that they were selected based on factors other than merit. For example, two attorneys with high-level positions in a local political party received some 110 appointments between them in guardianship and receivership matters, and were awarded compensation of approximately $400,000.

'The Report of the Commission on Fiduciary Appointments' summarizes abuses and makes a series of recommendations for reforming the system.

"Fiduciary Appointments in New York," a report to Judge Kaye by the Inspector General, provides details of system abuses in various New York counties.

Because guardianship involves a profound loss of freedom and dignity, state laws require that guardianship be imposed only when less restrictive alternatives have been tried and proven to be ineffective. One of the best ways to avoid guardianship is to execute a durable power of attorney, which allows a person you appoint -- your "attorney-in-fact" -- to act in your place for financial purposes when and if you ever become incapacitated.

While you should seriously consider executing a durable power of attorney, if you do not have someone you trust to appoint, it may be more appropriate to have the probate court looking over the shoulder of the person who is handling your affairs through a guardianship or conservatorship. In that case, you may execute a limited durable power of attorney simply nominating the person you want to serve as your conservator or guardian. Most states require the court to respect your nomination "except for good cause or disqualification."

For more on powers of attorney, click here.

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Created date: 01/02/2002
Medicaid 101
What Medicaid Covers

In addition to nursing home care, Medicaid may cover home care and some care in an assisted living facility. Coverage in your state may depend on waivers of federal rules.

How to Qualify for Medicaid

To be eligible for Medicaid long-term care, recipients must have limited incomes and no more than $2,000 (in most states). Special rules apply for the home and other assets.

Medicaid’s Protections for Spouses

Spouses of Medicaid nursing home residents have special protections to keep them from becoming impoverished.

What Medicaid Covers

In addition to nursing home care, Medicaid may cover home care and some care in an assisted living facility. Coverage in your state may depend on waivers of federal rules.

How to Qualify for Medicaid

To be eligible for Medicaid long-term care, recipients must have limited incomes and no more than $2,000 (in most states). Special rules apply for the home and other assets.

Medicaid’s Protections for Spouses

Spouses of Medicaid nursing home residents have special protections to keep them from becoming impoverished.

Medicaid Planning Strategies

Careful planning for potentially devastating long-term care costs can help protect your estate, whether for your spouse or for your children.

Estate Recovery: Can Medicaid Take My House After I’m Gone?

If steps aren't taken to protect the Medicaid recipient's house from the state’s attempts to recover benefits paid, the house may need to be sold.

Help Qualifying and Paying for Medicaid, Or Avoiding Nursing Home Care

There are ways to handle excess income or assets and still qualify for Medicaid long-term care, and programs that deliver care at home rather than in a nursing home.

Are Adult Children Responsible for Their Parents’ Care?

Most states have laws on the books making adult children responsible if their parents can't afford to take care of themselves.

Applying for Medicaid

Applying for Medicaid is a highly technical and complex process, and bad advice can actually make it more difficult to qualify for benefits.

Alternatives to Medicaid

Medicare's coverage of nursing home care is quite limited. For those who can afford it and who can qualify for coverage, long-term care insurance is the best alternative to Medicaid.

ElderLaw 101
Estate Planning

Distinguish the key concepts in estate planning, including the will, the trust, probate, the power of attorney, and how to avoid estate taxes.


Learn about grandparents’ visitation rights and how to avoid tax and public benefit issues when making gifts to grandchildren.


Understand when and how a court appoints a guardian or conservator for an adult who becomes incapacitated, and how to avoid guardianship.

Health Care Decisions

We need to plan for the possibility that we will become unable to make our own medical decisions. This may take the form of a health care proxy, a medical directive, a living will, or a combination of these.

Estate Planning

Distinguish the key concepts in estate planning, including the will, the trust, probate, the power of attorney, and how to avoid estate taxes.


Learn about grandparents’ visitation rights and how to avoid tax and public benefit issues when making gifts to grandchildren.


Understand when and how a court appoints a guardian or conservator for an adult who becomes incapacitated, and how to avoid guardianship.

Health Care Decisions

We need to plan for the possibility that we will become unable to make our own medical decisions. This may take the form of a health care proxy, a medical directive, a living will, or a combination of these.

Long-Term Care Insurance

Understand the ins and outs of insurance to cover the high cost of nursing home care, including when to buy it, how much to buy, and which spouse should get the coverage.


Learn who qualifies for Medicare, what the program covers, all about Medicare Advantage, and how to supplement Medicare’s coverage.

Retirement Planning

We explain the five phases of retirement planning, the difference between a 401(k) and an IRA, types of investments, asset diversification, the required minimum distribution rules, and more.

Senior Living

Find out how to choose a nursing home or assisted living facility, when to fight a discharge, the rights of nursing home residents, all about reverse mortgages, and more.

Social Security

Get a solid grounding in Social Security, including who is eligible, how to apply, spousal benefits, the taxation of benefits, how work affects payments, and SSDI and SSI.

Special Needs Planning

Learn how a special needs trust can preserve assets for a person with disabilities without jeopardizing Medicaid and SSI, and how to plan for when caregivers are gone.

Veterans Benefits

Explore benefits for older veterans, including the VA’s disability pension benefit, aid and attendance, and long-term care coverage for veterans and surviving spouses.